Hi there, I'm Lee Fely


🙎 Lee Fely | 💻 Full Stack Developer | 🛸 USA , UK

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⚡️I don’t trust people who don’t write SQL queries in uppercase⚡️


I'm born in 2000 | Full-Stack developer from China.

  1. 🥀 Learning Swift & Objective_C
  2. with Javascript, Typescript, React and 69 others.
  3. 🔭 SpaceX FanBoi, die for space😼
  4. 🛸 Into High Energy Physics and Astrophysics, i love shooting stars too.
  5. I do fullstack and a bit of everything :heart
  6. All About living life at its best.

  7. 💬 Connect? lets get social 👉🏼[](https://twitter.com/lesfei129)

    Full Stack | Competitive Programming

    Languages and Tools...

    html csharp js python react vue chrome cloud datascience aws npm gcp bash vscode

    What i do


    Human co-share Project (HCSP)


    Nature Science is the best suject for Live.

    Nature Science and Engineering Association

    For All over the World:
    1. Academic
    2. Tools
    3. Fund us
    For Researcher:
    1. Join us
    2. Teamwork
    3. Being PI
    Responsibilities and obligations
    1. Help people all over the world
    2. Scientific Peak Leaders
    3. No discrimination
    4. 0 → 1
    5. ∞ → 1
    6. Love life


    1. Functional polarization of tumor‑associated macrophages dictated by metabolic reprogramming https://doi.org/10.1186/s13046-023-02832-9

    2. High-content image screening to identify chemical modulators for peroxisome and ferroptosis https://doi.org/10.1186/s11658-024-00544-2

    🤝 Support

    🎀 Contributions (GitHub Flow), 🔥 issues, and 🥮 feature requests are most welcome!

    💙 Contact me ⭐

    Petal Mail:l0714c1114ftt0010@petalmail.com
    Proton Mail:leefee714@proton.me
    Yandex Mail:falc.lee@yandex.com
    WeChat: Dragon2000Super
    Tencet QQ🐧: 1292225683
    Telegram: https://t.me/biodataofr
    Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/biodataofr/shared_invite/zt-2epq9w5og-r4nwMDvxE1P7TttSgGv~Kw
    WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DJwZz33hNAeCkbJoqqx4rv
    LINE: https://line.me/R/ti/g/RmZTb_ZCur
    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/teTxSThT
    Facebook Messenger: https://www.facebook.com/groups/383133194570972/?ref=share&mibextid=CTbP7E
    VK: https://vk.com/id827445940
    Twitter X: https://x.com/lesfei129?s=09
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8170384
    Groupme: https://groupme.com/contact/116988214/iKXprmdI
    Microsoft Team: https://teams.live.com/l/invite/FBAfGnPQGVSxEjTfwM
    Threads: https://www.threads.net/@asd208560242
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asd208560242?igsh=MWE5ODFsZnYxZ3J0dA== Hugging Face: https://huggingface.co/LeeFalcon Github: https://github.com/LeeFely


    Made with ❤️ in China

    ⚡️Stay awesome!⚡️

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